News Articles of Donna Estabrooks – A Personal Profile – Donna Elaine Estabrooks


The Gazette

Compiled by Vicki French-Lankarge

Donna Estabrooks of Cummington says she has finally realized that she has been an artist since she was a child, even though there were periods in her life when she wasn’t drawing or painting. “I used to have a voice in my head that said I couldn’t call myself an artist unless I had a degree or made X amount of money,” she said. That voice was silenced, she continued, in 1987 when she became a Buddhist. “I gave myself permission to do what I love.”

After earning a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from the University of Massachusetts in 1982, Estabrooks taught there for nine years as an artist-in-residence. In 1991, she opened Estabrooks Studio in Florence, where she works in acrylics and oil pastels and where she will soon begin teaching “Your Life is Your Work of Art,” a course aimed at working through blocks to creativity. One way to do this, said Estabrooks, is to set a timer for 60 minutes and then begin drawing, turning to a new sketch every minute. At the end of an hour, the artist has 60 drawings and, according to Estabrooks, it’s rare if there isn’t at least one promising sketch to go back to and develop. “You can’t just wait for inspiration,” she said, “or you’ll never get it done.”

The subjects of Estabrooks’ paintings are varied, from abstract landscapes to her “teacup” series, daily portraits of herself using a teacup. Her work is currently on display at Art Works in Northampton, Cafe Mediterranean in Amherst, Imagine in Easthampton, Sara’s in Whately, Bread & Circus in Hadley
and the Joel McFadden Gallery in Greenfield.

Full name: Donna Elaine Estabrooks
Date of birth: April 8, 1960
Place of birth: Athol
Address: Cummington
Job: Artist for Kosen Rufu (world peace)
Marital status: Single
Educational background: Mahar Regional High School, Orange; University of Massachusetts, B.F.A., 1982
Pets: A cat (Twit) came with the building my studio is in
What words come to mind when you look in the mirror? Ha ha ha (seeing my blond hair)
Favorite book: Writing Down the Bones, by Natalie Goldberg
Books you are currently reading: The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron; The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Volume 3; A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare
Favorite magazine: Seikyo Times
Favorite movie: ”Field of Dreams”
Favorite song: “From a Distance,” sung by Bette Midler
Favorite musical performer: Classical guitar master Steve Shea
Hobbies: Swing dancing – East and West Coast and Lindy; downhill skiing; Scrabble
Favorite food: Sushi
Least-liked food: Gefilte fish
When you want to get away from it all, where do you go? My home in West Cummington – it’s paradise
Favorite store: Bread & Circus
Favorite item of clothing you own: Gold “magic” dance shoes
Best present you’ve ever received: Gohonzon (a mandala I received when I started practicing Buddhism)
What one moment in your life would you like to do over again? A trip to Japan with friends in faith from all over the world. Kosen Rufu (world peace) became real for me, not just a dream. I felt unimaginable joy and happiness
One little-known fact about you: I’m a foozball (table soccer) aficionado (does anyone out there still play?)
Secret ambition/fantasy: To write books
One thing you can’t resist: A connection experienced with my partner when we’re dancing, where we are “two but not two”
Achievement of which you are most proud: Trusting myself, trusting in what I love and continuing to do it
Pet peeve: Lies
Favorite way to blow off steam: Dye my hair “don’t mess with me” blond
Most valuable lesson you’ve learned so far: To live the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. One closest to my heart: “The journey from Kamakura to Kyoto takes twelve days. If you travel for
eleven but stop on the twelfth, how can you admire the moon over the capital?”
Person you’d give the most to meet: Writer and world peace leader Daisaku Ikeda
Personal philosophy: “Everything is possible”
Greatest fear: I don’t want to share my greatest fear with the world. I will share one fear: sharing my writing with others
Best advice your mother ever gave you: ”Everybody matters”
Most embarrassing moment: Struggling to learn the “Pi qua” exercise in Baji chuan (martial art) class
Who would you like to trade places with for a day? A man
Personal strengths: Determination, honesty, faith
Personal weakness: Overly sensitive
What you’d do if you won the lottery: I have a book of “dreams” – the money would help some of them come true.




30 North Maple Street, Florence, MA 01062
(413) 586-3869 · [email protected]